SOLD Chris Boyton Yew/ Ash 46# @ 28

Chris Boyton Yew / Ash English Longbow, classic thin style

A stunning and beautiful bow, that has won a fair few competitions nocks.  This bow was commissioned by Piers with cow horn nocks

It is 46# @ 28

Online research will show comments by Chris Boyton, that he only made yew bows for close friends.  Anecdotes from mutual friends also indicate the same.

There is no yew sapwood, and instead Ash was used, making a fast combination.

It is a Left handed arrow plate, but a right handed arrow pass easily added having spoken to two Bowyers of reputation.

*Originally these bows were made to order at around £700. 

The Bow is stunning and has a soul, considering a right hand pass would cost £50.  I would personally happily pay £300 to £350.  Then consider also that it Yew

However, please make a sensible offer as currently no offer has been made ( albeit I am struggling not too myself )